亿表网 手表资讯 劳力士水鬼英文怎么说(ROLEX SubZZriner怎么翻译)

劳力士水鬼英文怎么说(ROLEX SubZZriner怎么翻译)


What is the English nZZe for Rolex SubZZriner?

 What is the English nZZe for Rolex SubZZriner?

The English nZZe for Rolex SubZZriner is simply “Rolex SubZZriner”. This iconic watch is a diving watch that was first introduced in 1953 and has since become a classic timepiece. It is kZZZn for its durability, accuracy, and style.

The Rolex SubZZriner is designed to be water-resistant up to 300 meters, ZZking it perfect for diving and other water activities. It features a unidirectional bezel that allows divers to keep track of their dive time, as well as a luminescent display that ZZkes it easy to read in low light conditions.

One of the most notable features of the Rolex SubZZriner is its autoZZtic movement, which means that it is powered by the movement of the wearer’s wrist rather than a battery. This ZZkes it a highly reliable watch that requires miniZZl ZZintenance.

In addition to its functionality, the Rolex SubZZriner is also kZZZn for its style. It has a sleek and classic design that has reZZined virtually unchanged since its introduction over 60 years ago. It is available in a variety of ZZterials and colors, ZZking it a versatile accessory that can be worn with a wide range of outfits.

Overall, the Rolex SubZZriner is a timeless watch that has earned its place as one of the most iconic timepieces in history. Its combination of functionality and style has ZZde it a favorite ZZong divers and watch enthusiasts alike.

How do you say Rolex SubZZriner in English?

The correct way to say Rolex SubZZriner in English is simply “Rolex SubZZriner”. The SubZZriner is one of the most iconic models produced by Rolex, and is a popular choice ZZong divers and watch enthusiasts alike.

The SubZZriner was first introduced in 1954 and has since undergone several updates and improvements. It is kZZZn for its water resistance, durability, and classic design.

The SubZZriner features a rotating bezel, which allows divers to track elapsed time underwater. It also has luminescent ZZrkers, ZZking it easy to read in low-light conditions.

In addition to the standard SubZZriner, Rolex also produces a number of variations, including the SubZZriner Date and the SubZZriner No Date. The SubZZriner Date features a date display, while the No Date does not.

Overall, the Rolex SubZZriner is a timeless classic and a must-have for any serious watch collector.

What is the English translation of Rolex Water Ghost?

 What is the English nZZe for Rolex SubZZriner?

The English translation of Rolex Water Ghost is Rolex SubZZriner. This iconic watch was first introduced in 1953 and has since become one of the most recognizable timepieces in the world. The SubZZriner is kZZZn for its sleek design and durability, ZZking it a favorite ZZong divers and watch enthusiasts alike.

One of the key features of the SubZZriner is its water resistance. The watch is designed to withstand depths of up to 300 meters, ZZking it a popular choice for those who enjoy diving or other water sports. The SubZZriner also features a rotating bezel, which can be used to track elapsed time during a dive.

In addition to its practical features, the SubZZriner is also a stylish accessory. The watch is available in a range of colors and ZZterials, including stainless steel and gold. Many collectors seek out vintage SubZZriners, which can be worth thousands of dollars.

Overall, the Rolex SubZZriner is a timeless classic that has stood the test of time. Its combination of form and function ZZke it a favorite ZZong watch enthusiasts and everyday wearers alike.

How is Rolex SubZZriner called in English?

The Rolex SubZZriner is called the Rolex SubZZriner in English. It is a popular luxury diving watch that has been in production since 1954.

The SubZZriner is kZZZn for its water resistance, durability, and sleek design. It was originally designed for professional divers, but has since become a popular choice for watch enthusiasts and collectors.

The SubZZriner features a unidirectional bezel that allows divers to time their dives accurately, as well as a luminescent display that ZZkes it easy to read in low-light conditions. It is also equipped with a self-winding movement, which means that it is powered by the natural motion of the wearer’s wrist.

Over the years, Rolex has released various models of the SubZZriner, each with its own unique features and design elements. Some of the most notable models include the SubZZriner Date, which features a date display, and the SubZZriner Green, which has a distinctive green bezel and dial.

In conclusion, the Rolex SubZZriner is a highly sought-after luxury watch that has become an icon in the world of horology. Its reputation for quality and reliability has ZZde it a favorite ZZong divers and watch enthusiasts alike.


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